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Stacking Your Team | Leadership Advisor for Women Entrepreneurs



Jan 31, 2023

Have you noticed team members who have a new attitude about work?

Did the pandemic cause this disruption or was it simply a matter of time before people started speaking up, speaking out, setting boundaries, saying no, pushing back, and putting themselves first?

On today’s episode, we are going to talk about some...

Jan 24, 2023

You know your biggest asset is your team, so when you have capacity issues and constraints and you are running your business with a skeleton crew who is already overextended, everything is at risk.

On today’s episode, we are going to look at what you can do to staff for your liabilities and build an agile team...

Jan 10, 2023

In today’s episode, Shelli shares ideas for you to consider as you plan out your hiring needs and gives a deep dive into the current world of work including strategies that will help you win the race for new talent and show your current team your appreciation. 

Listen to this value-packed episode to hear how you can...

Jan 3, 2023

Have you noticed that everyone is hiring lately? Maybe you’re also looking for a qualified candidate to join your team but you're not sure how you can shift your approach to hiring so you can attract the perfect team member. 

In this week’s episode, Shelli goes over the 5 hiring tactics that you need to...