May 14, 2019
Time management is an essential skill for a CEO to have. Your time is valuable and when you’ve got what feels like a million things demanding your attention at once, it’s tricky knowing where your time is best spent. However, one part of your business that is always worth your time is your team.
As your business continues to scale, stacking a team that you can trust and depend on to help move your business forward becomes more important than ever. After all, if you want your business to grow, you need a team.
On this episode of the podcast, Natalie Eckdahl joins Shelli Warren to dive into questions from the BizChix community about how to be a more effective leader. As the CEO of your business, you need time to lead. You’ve got to actively plan ahead to make sure you’ve scheduled enough time on your calendar to host meetings and connect with your team.
Neglecting your team is not the way forward. You need to set aside time for your team. So, if you want to learn how you can better serve your team so they meet their targets, hit each of their KPI’s and work hard to help move your business forward, tune in!
In this episode you’ll find out:
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